«Chloe is just about the loneliest girl in the world. But then she meets Mr. Stink, the local tramp. Yes, he smells a bit -but he’s the only person who’s ever been nice to her.»
«Pacy Lin is ready for summer! But her parents have decided the family is going to visit Taiwan for a whole month. Taiwan? Pacy isn’t even sure if she knows where that is.»
«Separated from his friend Isabel after their daring escape from slavery, fifteen-year-old Curzon serves as a free man in the Continental Army at the Valley Forge until he and Isabel are thrown together again, as slaves once more.»
Libro en pasta dura. «¿Dar la vuelta al mundo en ochenta días? ¡Imposible! Solo Phileas Fogg, un exéntrico caballero inglés, se atrevería a intentarlo…Los clásicos de Julio Verne, en una cuidada edición actualizada, ilustrada y adpatada.»
«I kept asking myself if I felt different, if I was different. The answer was always yes. I was no longer nothing…How odd, I thought: it had taken my mother’s death, Father Quinel’s murder, and the desire of others to kill me for me to claim a life of my own.»