Libro en pasta dura. «Falling in love is never easy, but falling in love with an immortal god while your days on earth are numbered is almost more than a young girl can bear.»
«Las brujas de todo el mundo, bajo la apariencia de señoras comunes y corrientes, estarán celebrando su Congreso Anual. Han decidido convertir en ratones a todos los niños sirviéndose de un ratonizador mágico. ¿Conseguirán vencerlas el protagonista de esta historia y su abuela?»
«¿Sabías que Blancanieves era la jefa de una banda de enanos apostadores? ¿Que Caperucita coleccionaba abrigos de piel de lobo? ¿Y que el lobo feroz pretendía hacer volar la casa de los cerditos con dinamita?»
«The Coral Queen casino boat is treating the ocean like a toilet bowl, so Noah’s dad sinks it. Problem is, he can’t actually prove the Carol Queen was dumping illegally. Now Dad is in the clink, the boat’s back in business, and it’s up to Noah to flush the truth out into the open.»
«Separated from his friend Isabel after their daring escape from slavery, fifteen-year-old Curzon serves as a free man in the Continental Army at the Valley Forge until he and Isabel are thrown together again, as slaves once more.»